
Better Hearing is Just More Fun!

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American Girl Dolls Now Have Optional Hearing Aids

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018


The American Girl store is taking an amazing extra step in doll care and customization! Apart from having a special place to have your dolls freshened up at their doll hospital, the company has added a special feature to their 18″ American Girl doll, they can now be fitted for their very own custom hearing aid!

We know that hearing loss can happen at any age and we are so happy to see such an amazing addition to an already popular doll, what a way to help our little ones become comfortable in their hearing aids!

To find out more about these unique features visit the America Girl Doll Hospital website at

Dealing with Hearing Loss after Cancer

Monday, October 1st, 2018

From Breastcancer.org

Hearing problems can include hearing loss and ringing in your ears (tinnitus). Hearing problems can occur naturally and gradually as you get older, but they also can be a side effect of some breast cancer treatments.

Signs you may have a hearing problem:

  • Hearing sounds (ringing, buzzing, humming, or whooshing) in your ear when no external sounds are present. The noises may vary in pitch or switch from ear to ear.
  • The sounds are loud enough to interfere with your concentration or muffle or distort surrounding noises.

Study looks at Hearing Loss in Cancer Survivors

Monday, October 1st, 2018

Contributed by Lisa Packer, staff writer, Healthy Hearing

September 6, 2016

It has long been known that certain chemotherapy drugs are associated with hearing loss. But now for the first time, a new study at Indiana University has found a correlation between higher doses of a commonly used drug and increased hearing loss.

Cancer survivors risk increased hearing loss.

The Boss Wants to See You!

Tuesday, August 12th, 2014

The Boss Wants to See You!


Puppies Not Guppies Grandpa!

Thursday, April 3rd, 2014

This is a very sweet commercial was made by a Miracle-Ear Franchise up in Wisconsin.

If you find yourself in the same situation call us @ 1-877-4My-Ears

Ms. Katie Isgriggs Received Board Certification

Friday, March 28th, 2014

The National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences (NBC-HIS) announced that Katie Isgriggs of Potosi, Missouri has successfully

 completed the NBC-HIS National Competency Examination. Passing this exam grants the hearing health professional the designation Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences. This designation attests to Ms. Isgriggs experience, dedication, professionalism and commitment to quality care 

to the hearing impaired.

The national Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences is a certifying agency fully accredited by the National Commission of Certifying Agencies in Washington, DC. The Commission is the nation’s only organization that sets, applies and promotes comprehensive standards for credentialing professions and occupations.

Hearing Loss from Boston Bombing

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Here is a link to a very interesting radio interview from NPR.  Dr. Alicia Quesnal of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary talks about hearing loss in patients that were victims of the Boston tragedy.

Stay safe, have fun, and protect those ears!

Local Franchises Visit and Donate to Children in Dominican Republic

Friday, May 3rd, 2013
Just want to give special thanks to all those who contributed to the Dominican Kids school donation project on our recent trip to Casa De Campo. On Tuesday we went to the Boca De Chavon School near La Romano which has 127 kids ages 5-18. In the Dominican, children cannot get an education without a school uniform which costs $12. Many families cannot afford the uniform and those who can have their kids share the uniform (one child goes to school in the morning and the other goes in the afternoon wearing the same uniform). One of the most telling moments was watching a 6 year old boy paging through a simple blank notebook in amazement to see page after page with no writing on it – kids there don’t have and haven’t seen blank paper – they use scraps to write on. It was truly an amazing experience watching the kids’ faces light up to have such simple things as backpacks, pens, paper and basic school supplies we take for granted here.
 The children were kind, respectful and very, very grateful for all that we brought and each class did a performance and sang to us to show their thanks. Without the help and support of everyone listed below this project couldn’t have happened and I am truly grateful to everyone who helped – It is an experience we will never forget. Special thanks to Joyce Hill-Cooley who initiated the whole idea of doing something to give back while we were in the DR & to Heinz for supporting this effort. Everyone who contributed will receive an email from Shutterfly where all of the photos from the project are posted. There will also be a separate email sent to everyone which has all photos of the entire trip.
Thanks to everyone for your service…..
Contributing Franchisees to the DR kids project:
· Joyce Hill Cooley & Jerry Cooley
· Steve & Tanya Howell
· Sandy & Tim Hubbard
· Daniela LoPresti
· Scott & Jinette Howell
· Rick & Mary Knipe
· Bob & Melanie Eich
· Jim & Susan Atkins
· Ron & Sandy Kittner
· Doug & Mary Kay Shepard
· Lyle & Minnie Smith
· Jim & Diana Newton
· Elliott Greenburg
· Dennis & Darlene Cory

A Documentary From the View of a Cochlear Implant Recipient

Thursday, October 18th, 2012

From the Hearing Review.

Many third person documentaries have been produced about cochlear implant recipients. Now, an Oxford University student in the United Kingdom has produced a first person documentary that shares her experience of hearing the world through a cochlear device.

The video was made by cochlear implant recipient Helen Willis, who starts by briefly explaining the technical aspects of an Advanced Bionics’ cochlear device. But that’s only a small part of the video’s 9 minute length.

Most of the video shares Ms Willis’ life with the implant, which she received after contracting meningitis as a child.


Monday, June 4th, 2012

May is national “Better Hearing Month”. We believe that hearing health and education is important at all ages.  In honor of this, Miracle-Ear reached out to the local school districts to participate in a coloring contest.   We would like to thank all of the participating schools, we received over 120 entries!

All entries received a prize.  As well as, eight 3rd place winners were awarded a free ice cream from Dairy Queen.  Six 2nd place winners received a free bowling at West Park Lane Bowling Alley.   The winner of first place received a new Nintendo 3DS!

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