Ms. Katie Isgriggs Received Board Certification
by admin - March 28th, 2014.Filed under: Uncategorized.
The National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences (NBC-HIS) announced that Katie Isgriggs of Potosi, Missouri has successfully
completed the NBC-HIS National Competency Examination. Passing this exam grants the hearing health professional the designation Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences. This designation attests to Ms. Isgriggs experience, dedication, professionalism and commitment to quality care
to the hearing impaired.
The national Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences is a certifying agency fully accredited by the National Commission of Certifying Agencies in Washington, DC. The Commission is the nation’s only organization that sets, applies and promotes comprehensive standards for credentialing professions and occupations.
Katie Isgriggs is employed by Miracle-Ear in the Farmington Missouri office located in Wal-Mart at 707 Walton Drive. She may be contacted at 573-756-6916 and would welcome your inquires regarding hearing health care.